What We Do
The basic calling of ETA is to provide services and resources that assist in the training of lay leaders for ministry in the local church.
• The Church Ministries Certificate Curriculum
• The Church Membership Programs
• The Bible Institute Nurture Program
• The School Membership Program
Who We Are
Since 1930 ETA has provided excellent curriculum and effective training programs for churches like yours.
Experienced. Founded in 1930
Doctrinally Dependable. Our conservative Statement of Faith has remained unchanged since our founding.
Educationally Sound. Merging developmental sensitivity with biblically based content, ETA courses engage all types of learners.
Adaptable. ETA courses are used in hundreds of denominations and faith networks throughout the US and the world.
Ministry Driven. ETA's mission is to practice 2 Timothy 2:2, reproducing biblical teachers who will be able to teach others also.